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Bassel F. El- Rayes 1 Article
Long -Term Survival in Stage IV Esophageal Adenocarcinoma with Chemoradiation and Serial Endoscopic Cryoablation
Zachary Spiritos, Parit Mekaroonkamol, Bassel F. El- Rayes, Seth D. Force, Steven A. Keilin, Qiang Cai, Field F. Willingham
Clin Endosc 2017;50(5):491-494.   Published online April 24, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub
Esophageal cancer has a poor overall prognosis and is frequently diagnosed at a late stage. Conventional treatment for metastatic esophageal cancer involves chemotherapy and radiation. Local disease control plays a significant role in improving survival. Endoscopic spray cryotherapy is a novel modality that involves freezing and thawing to produce local ablation of malignant tissue via ischemic mechanisms. Spray cryotherapy has been shown to be effective, particularly for early T-stage, superficial esophageal adenocarcinomas. We present the case of a 72-year-old-male with locally recurrent stage IV esophageal adenocarcinoma and long-term survival of 7 years to date, with concurrent chemoradiation and serial cryoablation. He remains asymptomatic and continues to undergo chemotherapy and sequential cryoablation. The findings highlight the long-term safety and efficacy of cryotherapy in combination with chemoradiation, and suggest that cryoablation may have an additive role in the treatment of advanced stage esophageal adenocarcinoma.


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