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Jeong Don Chae 1 Article
Efficacy of a novel channel-cleaning ball brush for endoscope reprocessing: a randomized controlled trial
Kwang Hyun Chung, Jeong Don Chae, Wonho Choe, Hyo Young Lee, Il Hwan Oh, Byoung Kwan Son
Clin Endosc 2022;55(5):674-682.   Published online August 2, 2022
AbstractAbstract PDFSupplementary MaterialPubReaderePub
/Aims: Endoscopic channels are difficult to clean and can cause infection transmission. We examined the effectiveness of a newly developed channel-cleaning ball brush (BB), which is sucked into the endoscopic channel and scrapes and cleans the lumen as it passes through.
The upper and lower gastrointestinal endoscopes used for patient examinations were randomly selected as the conventional brush (CB) or BB group. After manual cleaning, the presence or absence of carbohydrates, proteins, adenosine triphosphate, and hemoglobin was assessed.
Fifty-six and 58 endoscopes were cleaned with the CB and BB, respectively. Carbohydrate and protein were detected in one (1.8%) and two endoscopes (3.4%) in the CB and BB groups, respectively (p=1.000). Hemoglobin was observed in one (1.8%) and three endoscopes (5.2%) in the CB and BB groups, respectively (p=0.636). The adenosine triphosphate levels were 10.6±15.9 and 12.5±14.3 relative light units in the CB and BB groups, respectively (p=0.496). Twenty-seven (48.2%) and 19 (32.8%) endoscopes were positive for microbial cultures in the CB and BB groups, respectively (p=0.136).
The efficacy of BB was not significantly different from that of CB in the endoscopic channel-cleaning process.


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