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Young-Jae Hwang 1 Article
Job Stress and Job Satisfaction among Health-Care Workers of Endoscopy Units in Korea
Seung-Joo Nam, Hoon Jai Chun, Jeong Seop Moon, Sung Chul Park, Young-Jae Hwang, In Kyung Yoo, Jae Min Lee, Seung Han Kim, Hyuk Soon Choi, Eun Sun Kim, Bora Keum, Yoon Tae Jeen, Hong Sik Lee, Chang Duck Kim
Clin Endosc 2016;49(3):266-272.   Published online February 22, 2016
AbstractAbstract PDFSupplementary MaterialPubReaderePub
/Aims: The management of job-related stress among health-care workers is critical for the improvement of healthcare services; however, there is no existing research on endoscopy unit workers as a team. Korea has a unique health-care system for endoscopy unit workers. In this study, we aimed to estimate job stress and job satisfaction among health-care providers in endoscopy units in Korea.
We performed a cross-sectional survey of health-care providers in the endoscopy units of three university-affiliated hospitals in Korea. We analyzed the job stress levels by using the Korean occupational stress scale, contributing factors, and job satisfaction.
Fifty-nine workers completed the self-administered questionnaires. The job stress scores for the endoscopy unit workers (46.39±7.81) were relatively lower compared to those of the national sample of Korean workers (51.23±8.83). Job stress differed across job positions, with nurses showing significantly higher levels of stress (48.92±7.97) compared to doctors (42.59±6.37). Job stress and job satisfaction were negatively correlated with each other (R2 =0.340, p<0.001).
An endoscopy unit is composed of a heterogeneous group of health-care professionals (i.e., nurses, fellows, and professors), and job stress and job satisfaction significantly differ according to job positions. Job demand, insufficient job control, and job insecurity are the most important stressors in the endoscopy unit.


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