Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the medical records and the endoscopic and pathologic findings from 12 patients who were diagnosed with EoE based on an eosinophil count of ≥20 per high-power field (HPF) and 13 patients diagnosed with NOD, and these patients were treated at our hospital from June 2006 till October 2010.
Results: The endoscopic findings of EoE included rings (41.7%), furrows (75.0%), exudates (33.3%), mucosal friability (8.3%) and multi-findings (6.7%). Furrows and multi-findings were identified more frequently in EoE as comparison to that in NOD. The pathologic findings revealed that the maximal eosinophil counts/HPF were 87.2 (range 20∼232) and 2.2 (0∼11) in EoE and NOD, respectively. Moreover, eosinophil microabscess (58.3%), degranulation (100%) and spongiosis (91.7%) were more significantly observed in EoE compared with that in NOD.
Conclusions: EoE had specific endoscopic and clinicopathologic features that distinguish it from NOD. For patients with dysphagia, the endoscopic and pathologic findings of EoE should be kept in mind. (Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 2011;42:143-151)