Fig. 1Endoscopic and endosonographic findings of the stomach. (A) An anisakid larva is penetrating into the mucosa of the lesser curvature of the gastric body. The gastric mucosa around the worm shows marked hyperemia. (B) The worm is captured by endoscopic forceps for removal. (C) On endosonography, gastric wall thickening can be seen. The most thickened layer is the submucosa (third layer of the stomach). Its character is homogenous and relatively hypodense. The 5-layered wall structure is well preserved. m, mucosal layer; sm, submucosal layer; mp, muscularis propria.
Fig. 2Colonoscopic and endosonographic findings of the colon. (A) An anisakid larva penetrating the mucosa is seen on the transverse colon. (B) The worm is captured by endoscopic forceps for removal. (C) Endosonography shows diffuse edematous thickening of the submucosal layer. Thickened submucosal layer shows generally homogenous echo and is not easily distinguishable from the other layers. m, mucosal layer; sm, submucosal layer.
Fig. 3Biopsy findings. (A) Stomach biopsy shows gastritis with eosinophil infiltration without eosinophilic granuloma (H&E stain, ×200). (B) Colon biopsy shows colitis with eosinophil infiltration (H&E stain, ×100).