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HOME > Clin Endosc > Volume 23(1); 2001 > Article
Clinical Endoscopy 2001;23(1):7-13.
Published online: November 30, 2000
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/Aims: Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) can survive in the add milieu of stomach by producing urease, which generates acid neutralizing ammonia by splitting gastric urea and creates a satisfactory environment for H. pylori. Thus the patients with chronic renal failure (CRF) with increased diffusion of blood urea to gastric lumen may be theoretically more susceptible to colonization with If pylori. To investigate the infection rate of H, pylori in CRF and ifs relation to gastrointestinal symptoms, we performed prospective controlled study. Methods: We performed gastroscopy in forty-two patients with CRF. Rapid urease test and histologic examination for H. pylori infection were performed, Histological gastritis was graded by updated Sydney classiflcation. Gasboinfes5nal symptoms were assessed in all CRF patients and serum blood urea nitrogen and creatinine levels were also measured. Results: Twenty-one (50.0%) demonstrated H, pylori infection in patients with CRF. H. pylori infection and major endoscopic findings were not related to the gastrointestinal symptoms in patients with CRF. In H, pyloripositive CRF patients, density of H. pylori and grade of histological gastritis were not related to the severity of gastrointestinal symptoms. Conclnsions: The infection rate of H, pylori was 50% in patients with CRF. Gastrointestinal symptoms in CRF were related to factors other than H. pylori infection. (Korean J Gastmiatest Endoec 2001;23:7-13)

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