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HOME > Clin Endosc > Volume 28(4); 2004 > Article
Colonoscopic Missing Rate of Colorectal Polyps
[Epub ahead of print]
Published online: April 30, 2004
Departments of Surgery and *Internal Medicine, Hansol Hospital, Seoul, Korea
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/Aim: Colonoscopy has been known as the best diagnostic and therapeutic modality for colorectal polyps. However, it has been difficult to assess its accuracy. Methods: We studied the data from patients who had colonoscopic polypectomy within 30 days after the initial examination. Results: From 218 patients, a total of 362 polyps were found, 51 (14.1%) of which were missed. There were 17 patients with missed polyps among 59 patients who had two or more polyps on the initial examination. According to the location, the missing rates were variable: the splenic and hepatic flexure had the highest missing rates, and the sigmoid colon had the lowest missing rate. In our study, there was no difference of missing rate according to the size and shape.
There is a significant colonoscopic missing rate for colorectal polyps in routine clinical practice, especially in patients with multiple colonic polyps and at the site of the colonic flexure. (Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 2004;28:179⁣182)

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