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HOME > Clin Endosc > Volume 34(6); 2007 > Article
Conscious Sedation with Midazolam Combined with Propofol for Colonoscopy
Clinical Endoscopy 2007;34(6):298-303.
Published online: June 30, 2007
Department of Internal Medicine, Institute of Digestive Disease and Nutrition, Korea University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
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Background/Aims: There is increasing interest in the use of propofol as a sedative agent for colonoscopy. We evaluated the safety and efficacy of the synergistic sedation with midazolam combined with low-dose propofol versus that of midazolam alone. Methods: A total of 56 patients from among those who underwent total colonoscopy between August 2004 and October 2004 were randomly assigned to one of three medication treatment groups. Group A (n=18) received low-dose midazolam (0.03 mg/kg IV) plus propofol, group B (n=19) received high-dose midazolam (0.07 mg/kg IV) plus propofol, and group C (n=19) received high-dose midazolam alone. The patients' vital signs were monitored throughout the course of the study. The recovery time and quality as well as the patients' comfort level were also assessed. Results: There were no significant differences in baseline characteristics among the treatment groups. There were also no differences in the duration and insertion time of the colonoscopy among the three groups. The patients' comfort level and cardiorespiratory parameters during colonoscopy were similar among the three groups. The sedation efficacy and recovery times were also similar among the three groups. Conclusions: Midazolam combined with low-dose propofol as a sedative for colonoscopy exhibits similar effects on safety, patient' comfort level and recovery time to those of midazolam alone.

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