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HOME > Clin Endosc > Volume 37(3); 2008 > Article
A Case of Plummer-Vinson Syndrome in an Elderly Patient
Clinical Endoscopy 2008;37(3):198-202.
Published online: September 30, 2008
Department of Internal Medicine, Pohang Saint Mary's Hospital, Pohang, *Department of Internal Medicine, Yeungnam University College of Medicine, Daegu, Korea
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Plummer-Vinson syndrome is a complex syndrome characterized by upper esophageal webs, dysphagia, and iron deficiency anemia. This syndrome develops principally in middle-aged women, and only rarely in patients over age 80. We present a case of Plummer-Vinson syndrome occurring in an 82-year-old woman who visited the hospital because of progressive dysphagia. Esophagogram and endoscopic examination showed an upper esophageal web, and laboratory examination revealed iron deficiency anemia. Dysphagia improved after endoscopic balloon dilatation, and iron deficiency anemia improved after iron supplementation. Even Plummer-Vinson syndrome can be improved by sufficient amounts of oral ferrous sulfate and endoscopic balloon dilatation, it is important to identify the cause of iron deficiency anemia and to check for the presence of malignant disease. The common causes of anemia differ between middle-aged and elderly women, and the clinician needs to look for malignancy-induced chronic gastrointestinal tract blood loss and chronic inflammatory diseases. We report a rare case of Plummer- Vinson syndrome in a woman over 80 years of age. (Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 2008;37:198-202)

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