Upper GI, Stent, Current indication, Future application"/>
Stent implantation in the upper gastrointestinal (UGI) tract is now widely accepted for achieving palliative symptom relief of patients who have malignant UGI obstruction and causative symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, malnutrition and acid reflux. With the increased technical progress and clinical experiences, it has become possible to perform this procedure with more safety and convenience. However, clinicians should also focus on the post-procedural management because complications such as stent migration or in-stent tumor growth could occur. On the other hand, temporary stent insertion is an effective treatment option for benign diseases such as pyloric strictures due to benign peptic ulcer, esophageal perforation or leakage on the anastomosis site. In this review, several issues about stent implantation in the UGI tract, such as the main indications, the current status and the expected applications in other fields in the near future, are briefly discussed. (Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 2009;38:61-67)