Fig. 1Initial contrast enhanced abdominal computed tomography scan. (A) Transverse section. (B) Coronal reconstruction image. There are 2.4×2.2 cm sized slightly enhancing mass in the pancreas body portion. Main pancreatic duct of both proximal and distal side of the mass was dilated.
Fig. 2Linear endoscopic ultrasound (GF-UCT240) which shows pancreatic body mass and passage of 22-gauge needle (EchoTip Ultra, ECHO-22). Fine needle aspiration was performed via transgastric approach and three passes were made.
Fig. 3Follow-up contrast enhanced abdominal computed tomography scan. A newly developed 11.5×9.5 cm sized cystic mass is observed between the stomach and the pancreas. Communication is seen between the pseudocyst and the dilated pancreatic main duct.
Fig. 4Endoscopic retrograde pancreatogram. (A) Pancreatogram showed the leakage of dye from the pancreatic duct of the body portion (white arrow), and (B) transpapillary internal drainage using 7 Fr, 15 cm straight plastic stent (Percuflex Amsterdam Single-use Biliary Stents) was performed.
Fig. 5(A) Histological image of the resected pancreatic mass showing pseudocyst and organizing hematoma in the cyst cavity (H&E stain, ×400). (B) Adjacent fat necrosis was also seen (H&E stain, ×400).