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HOME > Clin Endosc > Volume 20(1); 2000 > Article
Clinical Endoscopy 2000;20(1):6-13.
Published online: November 30, 1999
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/Aims: Foreign body (FB) removal is a common indication of therapeutic endoscopy in children. The trend is becoming wider and more rational in application. The spectrum of upper gastrointestinal FB's in children during a recent 2 year period was reviewed in Taegu, Kyungbook Province in order to obtain a the consensus of recent trend of indications and techniques of endoscopic FB removal in children. Methods: Esophagogastroscopy was performed on 78 children who had been referred to 3 University Hospitals in Taegu for FB ingestion from Oct. 1996 to Sep. 1998. Results: Age between 1∼2 year was the peak age group; 22 cases (28%). Male to female ratio was 1.9:1. Thirty four cases (44%) were in the esophagus, 44 cases (56%) in the stomach. The majority (49%) of the FB's were coins, 26 of 34 esophageal FB's and 12 of 44 gastric FB's. Others were 14 sharp/pointed objects, 12 big/long objects, 7 toxic objects, etc. In 67 children (86%) the FB was successfully removed and spontaneous passage through the pylorus was observed in 9 children. Conclusions: Endoscopic FB removal can be performed safely and effectively in children with minimal or no complications by an experienced endoscopist. Proper arrangement should be conducted with consideration to the property of FB's, expected complication, and the possibility of an emergency situation. (Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 2000;20:6~13)

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