Insertion of self-expandable metallic stent has been performed as a palliative therapeutic modality for cases with gastrointestinal obstruction caused by inoperable malignancies such as pancreatic cancer, stomach cancer, and cholangiocarcinoma. Although the clinical efficacy is not established yet, it can also be performed for benign gastroduodenal obstruction. Especially, when balloon dilatation is failed and patients are at high risk for surgery or general anesthesia, and when patients refuse operation, insertion of metallic stent can be considered. Complications of this therapeutic modality include intestinal perforation, hemorrhage, migration or malposition of metallic stent, and occlusion of stent by ingrowth and overgrowth of tumor or impaction of food. We report a rare case of obstructive jaundice developed after the insertion of gastroduodenal stent for duodenal obstruction caused by recurrent duodenal ulcer. (Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 2004;28:213 217)