Endoscopic treatment of chronic pancreatitis by stent insertion is an accepted procedure, but various complications can be induced, including proximal migration of the stent. Many techniques are used to retrieve proximally migrated, pancreatic stents. We here report a case of a proximally migrated stent into the dorsal duct of a pancreas divisum, which was retrieved endoscopically by using a mini-snare. A 39-year-old female patient had chronic pancreatitis with divisum. A stent was inserted into the dorsal duct to relieve the chronic pain. After two months, sudden epigastric pain developed due to proximal migration of the stent. The pancreatic stent was retrieved successfully with one endoscopic attempt using a mini- snare. The epigastric pain resolved after retrieval of the stent. Our observation is that pancreatic stent migration may cause severe abdominal pain and that endoscopic retrieval is possible. (Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 2006;33:5862)