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HOME > Clin Endosc > Volume 27(2); 2003 > Article
A Case of Granular Cell Tumor in the Rectum
[Epub ahead of print]
Published online: August 30, 2003
Department of Internal Medicine, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
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Granular cell tumor (GCT), first described by Abrikossoff in 1926, is relatively uncommon, usually benign and solitary neoplasm. The most frequently involved organs include the tongue, skin, breast, and digestive tract. Until now, less than 200 cases of GCTs of the digestive tract have been reported in the esophagus, and less than 50 cases in the large intestine, stomach, biliary tract in the world. Only less than 20 cases of GCT of the rectum have been reported in the world. It is believed that there have been no reported cases of GCT of the rectum in Korea. Recently, the incidence of granular cell tumor has been slowly rising since endoscopy has been used more commonly as a diagnostic tool. We report a case of granular cell tumor in the rectum in a 49-year-old male patient, which was confirmed by microscopic examination after colonoscopic polypectomy. (Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 2003;27:88⁣91)

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